34 of number a is equal to 25 of number B. number a is 80 and number B is 25______ .

34 of number a is equal to 25 of number B. number a is 80 and number B is 25______ .

80 × 34 / 25, = 60 / 25, = 150. Answer: B number is 150. So the answer is: 150

It is known that the number a is two fifths of the number B. if the number a is twenty, what is the number B equal to?

I hope my answer can help you, if you have any questions continue to ask

If two fifths of a is equal to 60% of B and a is 20 more than B, what is the sum of a and B?

Let B be x and a be (60% x) / 0.4 = 1.5x
So there are
The solution is x = 40
That is, the number a is 60, the number B is 40 and the number B is 100

A math problem: compare four ninths of a ton with one ninth of four tons
