There are two piles of 120 tons of coal, 20 tons from the first pile and 1 / 3 from the second pile. At this time, the weight of the two piles of coal is equal. How many tons are the two piles of coal? The whole process of solving the equation [(╯▽) thank you very much, for primary school students to understand!

There are two piles of 120 tons of coal, 20 tons from the first pile and 1 / 3 from the second pile. At this time, the weight of the two piles of coal is equal. How many tons are the two piles of coal? The whole process of solving the equation [(╯▽) thank you very much, for primary school students to understand!

Suppose the second pile has x tons and the first pile has 120 - x tons
5x = 300, x = 60 tons
The original two piles of coal each 60 tons

There are two tons of coal. One quarter of the first pile is transported away, and 60% of the second pile is left. The weight ratio of the remaining first pile and the second pile is 3:5
120 tons, how many tons of the second pile of coal?

120 × (1-1 / 4) = 90 (tons)
90 × 5 △ 3 = 150 (T)
150 △ 60% = 250 (tons)