There are 100 people in class A and class B, three fourths of class A and two fifths of class B, a total of 41 people. How many people in each class?

There are 100 people in class A and class B, three fourths of class A and two fifths of class B, a total of 41 people. How many people in each class?

Class a x people, class B 100-x people, 3x / 4 + (100-x) 2 / 5 = 41, 0.75x-0.4x = 1, so find out x = 20 / 7, not an integer, so the problem must be wrong

A school in Wuhan organizes class A and class B students to participate in the voluntary labor of "beautifying the campus". If class a works for 2 hours and class B works for 3 hours, half of all the work will be finished. If class a works for 2 hours first and then has another task, and the rest of the work will be finished by class B alone, class B will spend 1 hour more time than Class A alone. How can we finish this work alone How much time does a and B need respectively

If it takes x hours for a to do it alone and Y hours for B to do it alone, then 2x + 3Y = 0.52x + X + 1y = 1, and the solution is x = 8 or 1 (1 does not fit the problem, omit) y = 12. It is tested that x = 8 and y = 12 are the solutions of the original equation. Answer: it takes 8 hours for a to do it alone and 12 hours for B to do it alone

The school allocated 130 storybooks to two classes according to the ratio of class A and class B. There are 42 storybooks in class A and 36 storybooks in class B. how many storybooks do class A and class B get?

42 + 36 = 78130 × 4278 = 70 (Ben) 130 × 3678 = 60 (Ben) answer: Class A and class B get 70 and 60 respectively

A school organized class A and class B students to beautify the campus
A school organizes class A and class B students to participate in "beautifying the campus" voluntary labor. If class A does it for 2 hours and class B does it for 3 hours, half of all the work will be completed. If class A does it for 3 hours and class B does it for 6 hours alone, seven eighths of all the work will be completed. How much time does it take for class A and class B to complete this work alone?

Let a take x hours and B take y hours
So x = 8, y = 12
Because the fractional equation needs to be tested, I don't know what your textbook is, we need to test it