1. For a project, it takes 8 days for Party A to complete and 10 days for Party B to complete. How much higher is the work efficiency of Party A than that of Party B?

1. For a project, it takes 8 days for Party A to complete and 10 days for Party B to complete. How much higher is the work efficiency of Party A than that of Party B?

It takes 8 days for a to complete and 10 days for B to complete
Then a work efficiency: B work efficiency = 10:8 = 5:4
How much more is a than B
(5-4) △ 4 = 25%
Adopted by the watchtower owner,

To complete a project, Party A has to do it alone for 6 hours and Party B has to do it alone for 8 hours. What is the ratio of work efficiency between Party A and Party B?
What's the efficiency? Thank you for using it tonight

It takes 6 hours for a and 8 hours for B alone,
The ratio of work efficiency between a and B is the inverse ratio of time = 8:6 = 4:3
Efficiency is the speed of work

To complete a project, it takes 6 hours for Party A to do it alone and 8 hours for Party B to do it alone. The ratio of working time between Party B and Party A is (), and the ratio of working efficiency between Party A and Party B is ()

To complete a project, it takes 6 hours for Party A to do it alone and 8 hours for Party B to do it alone. The ratio of working time between Party B and Party A is (3:4), and the ratio of working efficiency between Party A and Party B is (4:3)

For a project, it takes 20 days for Party A to do it alone and 25 days for Party B to do it alone. How much higher is the efficiency of Party A than that of Party B?

(120 − 125) △ 125, = 1100 △ 125, = 25%; a: the work efficiency of a is 25% higher than that of B