It takes 20 days for the two teams to work together on a project. The ratio of work efficiency of the two teams is 4:5. How many days does it take for the two teams to complete each project separately? You can't make equations, you have to explain and explain. Quick

It takes 20 days for the two teams to work together on a project. The ratio of work efficiency of the two teams is 4:5. How many days does it take for the two teams to complete each project separately? You can't make equations, you have to explain and explain. Quick

A 45 days, B 36 days
4: The efficiency of 5 is 4 / 9 for a and 5 / 9 for B
In 20 days, a did 4 / 9, B did 5 / 9
Divide 20 by each person's share to calculate each person's individual time

For a project, team a and team B cooperate for 20 days. It is known that the work efficiency ratio of team a and team B is 4:5, and team a needs to complete the project alone______ Day

The sum of efficiency of Party A and Party B is 120, the work efficiency of Party A is 120 × 45 + 4 = 145, and the time required for Party A to complete the project alone is 1 △ 145 = 45 (days). Answer: it takes 45 days for Party A to complete the project alone

For a project, Party A and Party B cooperate to complete it in 12 days. If Party A does it alone in 20 days, what is the ratio of work efficiency between Party A and Party B

A efficiency = 1 / 20
The efficiency of team B is 1 / 12-1 / 20 = 1 / 30, that is, team B does it alone for 30 days
According to the inverse ratio of time ratio and efficiency ratio, the time ratio of team a and team B is 20:30 = 2:3
Then the efficiency ratio of team a and team B is 3:2
I wish you a happy new year,

3 / 4 tons can be regarded as 3 tons (), or 9 tons ()
The edge length ratio of the two cubes is 1 ∶ 3, and the surface area ratio of the two cubes is (): (), and the volume ratio is (): ()
For a project, team a and team B cooperate for 20 days. It is known that the work efficiency ratio of team a and team B is 4:5, and team a needs () days to complete the project alone

For a project, team a and team B cooperate for 20 days. It is known that the work efficiency ratio of team a and team B is 4:5, and team a needs (45) days to complete the project alone
3 / 4 tons can be regarded as 1 / 4 of 3 tons and 1 / 16 of 9 tons
The edge length ratio of the two cubes is 1 ∶ 3. The surface area ratio of the two cubes is (1) ∶ (9) and the volume ratio is (1) ∶ (27)
For a project, team a and team B cooperate for 20 days. It is known that the work efficiency ratio of team a and team B is 4:5, and team a needs (45) days to complete the project alone