1. The number a is 48 and the number B is 56. (1) how much is the number a? (2) how many times is the number B? (3) how much is the number a less than the number B? Please everyone, wait for the answer! (to process)! Thank you!

1. The number a is 48 and the number B is 56. (1) how much is the number a? (2) how many times is the number B? (3) how much is the number a less than the number B? Please everyone, wait for the answer! (to process)! Thank you!


The number of a is one seventh more than that of B. what is the number of a?

8 out of 7

The number a is equal to 5 / 8 of the number B. how much more is the number B than the number a?

Answer B is 60% more than a
A: B is 160% of A

Number a is 58% of number B, and number B is more than number a______ %.

(1-58%) / 58% = 42% / 58% ≈ 72.4% answer: number B is 72.4% more than number a

The number a is 5 / 8 of the number B. how much more is the number B than the number a? How much less is the number a than the number B?

Number B is 37.5% more than number a, and number a is 60.5% less than number B

The number of a is 12 more than that of B. four out of five parts of a is equal to seven out of eight parts of B. what's the number of a?

Let a be x, then B be X-12
4/5 x=7/8 (x-12)
The solution is x = 140

If the number of a is 0.8 more than that of B, and the number of a: B = 7:5, can you find out the number of a?

A: the number of a is 2.8

One fifth of a is equal to one fourth of B, and a is ()% of B

One fifth of a is equal to one fourth of B, and a is (125)%

1 / 4 of the number a is equal to 1 / 5 of the number B. which one is bigger

1 / 4 of 4 is equal to 1 / 5 of 5, don't you think?

If there are two double digits A and B, 25 of a is equal to 14 of B, then what is the biggest difference between a and B______ .

Because a × 25 = B × 14, so a: B = 14:25 = 5:8, because a, B two double digits, a number of 25, that a is a multiple of 5, and a, B is greater than or equal to 10, less than 99; b each maximum 12 is 12 × 8 = 96, and a = 12 × 5 = 60 (exactly a multiple of 5), so the maximum difference between a and B is 96-60 = 36