There are two barrels of oil. The mass of barrel a is 1.2 times that of barrel B. if 5 kg of oil is poured into barrel B, the mass of the two barrels of oil will be equal. How many kg of the two barrels of oil are each? Use the formula instead of the equation

There are two barrels of oil. The mass of barrel a is 1.2 times that of barrel B. if 5 kg of oil is poured into barrel B, the mass of the two barrels of oil will be equal. How many kg of the two barrels of oil are each? Use the formula instead of the equation

B barrel: 5 / (1.2-1) = 25kg
A barrel: 25 * 1.2 = 30kg

1. There are two barrels of peanut oil. The mass of barrel a is 1.5 times that of barrel B. If barrel a uses 2.5 kg, the mass of the two barrels of oil is exactly the same. How many kg are the two barrels of oil?
2. How many people are there in class 6 (1)?
Solving practical problems with equations

Suppose B has x kg, then a has 1.5 x kg
A: it turns out that a has 7.5kg and B has 5kg
Suppose there are x people in all
A: there are 40 people in class 61

There are two barrels of oil. The mass of barrel a is 2.5 times that of barrel B. If you pour 12.9kg into barrel B, the two barrels of oil will be the same weight. How much is the weight of the two barrels

If the mass of B barrel is x, the mass of a barrel is 2.5x
If the mass of barrel B is 8.6kg, barrel a is 21.5kg

The total weight of the two barrels of oil is 45 kg. After 1 / 4 of the oil in barrel a is poured into barrel B, the mass ratio of barrel a oil to barrel B oil is 2:3. How many kg of oil does barrel a and B originally have

Now a = 45 △ (2 + 3) × 2 = 18 kg
A = 18 (1-1 / 4) = 24 kg
Original B = 45-24 = 21 kg

The total weight of barrel a and barrel B is 102.6kg, and the mass of barrel a is 2.6 times that of barrel B. how many kilos of barrel a and barrel B respectively?
The two barrels of oil a and B weigh 102.6 kg in total, and the quality of barrel a is 2.6 times that of barrel B. how many kg are the two barrels of oil a and B respectively

B 102.6 △ 1 + 2.6 = 102.6 △ 3.6 = 28.5
A 102.6-28.5 = 74.1

A and B two barrels of oil weight 60 kg, a barrel of oil is 23 times the mass of B. how many kg of each barrel of oil?

B barrel oil weight: 60 △ 1 + 23, = 60 × 35, = 36 (kg); a barrel oil weight: 60-36 = 24 (kg); a barrel oil weight: 24 kg, B barrel oil weight: 36 kg

There are 480 tons of coal in the two warehouses. If 60% of the coal is taken from a and 160% is taken from B, there will be the same amount of coal in a and B. how many tons of coal are there in each warehouse?

Let a have X tons and B have (480-x) tons
480-7 / 1500 = 7 / 1860 (tons)
A: A: 7 / 1500 tons, B: 7 / 1860 tons

There are two warehouses: warehouse A has 5.2 tons of coal, warehouse B has 7 tons of coal. A burns 0.36 tons a day, and warehouse B burns 0.51 tons a day?

(7-5.2) △ 0.51-0.36) = 1.8 △ 0.15 = 12 days
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Inventory of two coal storage warehouses
The inventory ratio of the two coal storage warehouses is 10:7. In order to make the inventory of the two warehouses equal, the amount of coal that warehouse a needs to move into warehouse B accounts for ()% of the inventory of coal in warehouse a

Let a 10x, B 7x, then

There are two warehouses, a and B, with 3600 kg of coal. Give Party A's 400 kg to Party B, and then Party B gives 10% to Party A, which is the same. How much does Party A and B have

Let a have XKG, then B has 3600-x, so X-400 + (3600-x + 400) X10% = (3600-x + 400) X90%. Solve the equation and get x = 2000, so a has 2000kg, B has 1600kg