A simple algorithm of 47 times 16 plus 52 times 16 plus 16

A simple algorithm of 47 times 16 plus 52 times 16 plus 16

16 (47 + 52 + 1) = 16 × 100 = 1600

Conversion of degree in Mathematics: how to calculate 32.68 ° - 28 ° 41'55 "= 3 ° 58'53"?


975 M / min = 58.5 km / h, how to convert, how to calculate the process

975m = 0.975km
1 minute = 1 / 60 hour
0.975 ÷ (1 / 60) = 0.975 * 60 = 58.5km/h

What is the mass fraction of carbon in methane? How many grams of oxygen is needed to completely burn 16 grams of methane

The chemical formula of methane is CH4
Then the mass fraction of carbon is 12 / (12 + 4) * 100% = 75%
CH4 +O2 ==CO2 +2H2O
16 32
16g x
So x = 32g
So it takes 32 grams of oxygen to burn completely

A business company stores color TV sets in two warehouses of a and B. the storage ratio of the two warehouses is 7:3. If 30 TV sets are transferred from warehouse A to warehouse B, the TV sets stored in the two warehouses are equal. How many TV sets are stored in the two warehouses?

In the past, a accounted for 710 of the total number of TV sets. Later, a accounted for 12, 30 △ 15 = 150 (sets); 150 × 710 = 105 (sets), 150-105 = 45 (sets); a: the two warehouses of a and B originally stored 105 and 45 TV sets respectively

A business company has two warehouses to store color TV sets. The storage ratio of warehouse A and warehouse B is 7:3. If 30 TV sets are sent from warehouse A to warehouse B, the storage ratio of warehouse A and warehouse B is 3:2. How many TV sets are stored in these two warehouses?

Let a and B be X1 and X2 respectively
X1 = 7 / 3x2, (x1-30) / (x2 + 30) = 3 / 2, the solution of the equations is: X1 = 210, X2 = 90
That is, there are 210 in a and 90 in B

A business company stores color TV sets in two warehouses of a and B. the storage ratio of the two warehouses is 7:3. If 30 TV sets are transferred from warehouse A to warehouse B, the TV sets stored in the two warehouses are equal. How many TV sets are stored in the two warehouses?

In the past, a accounted for 710 of the total number of TV sets. Later, a accounted for 12, 30 △ 15 = 150 (sets); 150 × 710 = 105 (sets), 150-105 = 45 (sets); a: the two warehouses of a and B originally stored 105 and 45 TV sets respectively

The weight ratio of a and B bags of rice is 4:1. If 13 kg is taken from a bag and put into B bag, the weight ratio of a and B bags is 7:5. How many kg are the two bags of rice

The two bags of rice used to be x, y kg, X / y = 4, (X-13) / (y + 13) = 7 / 5, x = 48, y = 12, the two bags of rice used to be 48, 12 kg, respectively

The weight ratio of bag a and bag B in rice is 2:3. If 10 kg rice is taken out of bag B and put into bag a, the weight of two bags of rice is equal to that of bag B

Bag B is 60kg, bag a is 40kg

The weight ratio of a and B bags of rice is 5:2. If you take 10 kg from a and put it into B, the weight of a bag of rice is 3 / 4 of that of B. how many kg of original rice do you carry?

Let's say a is 5xkg
A = 5 * 5 = 25 kg