The structure of an organic compound is determined: the mass fraction of carbon of the organic compound containing Cho is 64.86%, and the mass fraction of hydrogen is 13.51%. Q: what is the molecular formula? There's a mass spectrum that hasn't been transmitted

The structure of an organic compound is determined: the mass fraction of carbon of the organic compound containing Cho is 64.86%, and the mass fraction of hydrogen is 13.51%. Q: what is the molecular formula? There's a mass spectrum that hasn't been transmitted

(1) , 1 - (64.86% + 13.51%) = 21.63%, which is the mass fraction of O;
(3) The molecular formula is c4h10o

The relative molecular weight of an organic compound is close to each other. It contains 64.87% of carbon, 13.51% of hydrogen and 21.62% of oxygen by combustion measurement
Thank you for your trouble!
Please write down the process.

According to the results, the organic compound only contains C, h and O. it can be assumed that its chemical formula is C (x) H (y) O (z), then 12x: Y: 16Z = 64.87%: 13.51%: 21.62% (the origin of this formula is that according to the ratio of its mass fraction, the three expressions on the left should be divided by 12x + y + 16Z

There are two granaries A and B. the rice stored in warehouse A is 25% less than that in warehouse B. If 8 tons of rice are put into warehouse A from warehouse B, there will be as much rice in warehouse A as in warehouse B
How many tons of rice are there in each of the two warehouses?

A16 / 25% = 64t
B 64 * (1-25%) = 48T

There are 300 tons of rice in granaries A and B. if 60% of the rice is transported from granary a to granary B, the ton of rice in granary B is twice that of the remaining ton of rice in granary a,
How many tons of rice were there in a and B granaries

A warehouse now has: 300 (1 + 2) = 100 tons
B warehouse now has: 300-100 = 200 tons
Original warehouse A: 100 (1-60%) = 250 tons
Original warehouse B: 300-250 = 50 tons

There are more than 200 bags of rice in granary A and B than in granary B. If granary B delivers 150 bags to granary a, the existing rice is three times as much as the remaining rice in granary B, how many bags of rice are there in granary A and B

There are three equations
A: x B: y
We get x = 200
The result is y = 750

There are rice in granary A and B. the number of rice bags in granary A and B is 7:5. If 120 Bags of rice are transported from granary a to granary B, and the number of rice bags in the two granaries is equal, how many rice bags did each granary A and B have?

120 (7 / 12-1 / 2) = 1440 bags
Warehouse A: 1440 × 7 / 12 = 840 bags
Warehouse B: 1440 × 5 / 12 = 600 bags

There are 20 bags more rice in warehouse A than in warehouse B. If 150 bags are transported from warehouse B to warehouse A, which is three times of the remaining rice in warehouse B, how much is the original quantity in warehouse a

There are 20 bags more rice in warehouse A than in warehouse B. If 150 bags are transported from warehouse B to warehouse A, it is warehouse B now. At this time, warehouse A has 150 + 150 + 20 bags more than warehouse B = 320 bags
Now B has 320 (3-1) = 160 bags
B originally had 160 + 150 = 310 bags
A had 310 + 20 = 330 bags

Mathematics: the weight ratio of goods in warehouse A and warehouse B is 9:7. If warehouse a delivers 10 tons to warehouse B, warehouse a will be 6 tons less than warehouse B
How many tons, don't use the equation

A is 10x2-6 more than B = 14T
A: original 14x9 (9-7) = 63 tons
B: 63-14 = 49 tons

Take out 1 / 5 of the weight of grain from warehouse A and transport it to warehouse B, which means that the weight of grain in the two warehouses is the same. Then the weight comparison of grain in the two warehouses


Zhang Liang's pocket money is 5 / 9 of Huang Ming's. in the charity activities, Huang Ming donated 48 yuan and Zhang Liang donated 20 yuan. At this time, they have the same amount of pocket money left
I want the formula
It's better to have an analysis

Huang Ming donated 28 yuan more than Zhang Liang
Corresponding to 4 copies
Zhang Liang's is 5, Huang Ming's is 9
Zhang Liang 7 * 5 = 35
Huang Ming 7 * 9 = 63