A certain organic matter is composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. 0.1mol of the organic matter has a mass of 4.6g. The complete combustion of 4.6g of the organic matter requires 1.12l of oxygen to produce the secondary oxygen The amount of carbon and water is equal. Try to deduce the molecular formula of the organic matter and write out the possible structural formula

A certain organic matter is composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. 0.1mol of the organic matter has a mass of 4.6g. The complete combustion of 4.6g of the organic matter requires 1.12l of oxygen to produce the secondary oxygen The amount of carbon and water is equal. Try to deduce the molecular formula of the organic matter and write out the possible structural formula

It can be seen from the title that the molecular formula of this organic compound can be set as (CH2) mon (because the amount of carbon dioxide produced is the same as that of water),
Then the chemical equation can be listed as follows:
0.1mol 0.05mol 0.1mol 0.1mol
46 …… …… ……
Countable equation
0.3m-0.1n = 0.1 (oxygen conservation)
The solution is m = 1, n = 2
It should only be HCOOH formic acid
I haven't studied chemistry for a long time. Typing is not easy to find the best

There is a kind of organic matter, 23g, which is completely burned in the air to generate 44g of carbon dioxide and 27g of water. What is the mass of carbon element in the organic matter? What is the mass of hydrogen?

According to the law of conservation of mass, the compound must contain hydrocarbon and its mass is equal to the mass of hydrocarbon in the product; according to the mass of carbon element in 44g carbon dioxide = 44g × 1244 × 100% = 12g, the mass of hydrogen element in 27g water = 27g × 1 × 218 × 100% = 3G, the mass of carbon element in the organic compound is 12g, and the mass of hydrogen element is 3G

The relative molecular weight of an organic compound A is more than 110 and less than 150. It is found that the sum of carbon and hydrogen is 52.24%, and the rest is hydrogen
The relative molecular weight of an organic compound A is more than 110 and less than 150. The sum of the mass fraction of carbon and hydrogen is 52.24%, and the rest is oxygen

The relative molecular weight of compound A is more than 110, less than 150, so the number of oxygen atoms is more than 110 * 0.4776/16 = 3.28, less than 150 * 0.4776/16 = 4.48, so the number of oxygen atoms is 4, so the molecular weight of organic matter is 4 * 16 / 0.4776 = 134, so C

Both Huang Ming and Zhang Liang have saved some pocket money. The ratio of money they have saved is 9:5. In the charity activities, Huang Ming donated 480 yuan and Zhang Liang donated 200 yuan
Zhang Liang donated 200 yuan, and the amount of money they had left was equal. How much did Huang Ming have?

Huang Ming used to have:
=630 yuan

Huang Ming and Zhang Liang have saved some pocket money, and the ratio of the money they have saved is 9:5. After Huang Ming donated 280 yuan in a charity activity, their money is equal. How many yuan did Huang Ming have?


Huang Ming and Zhang Liang have accumulated some pocket money, and the ratio of money they have accumulated is 9:5. In the activity of offering love, Huang Ming donated 48 yuan and Zhang Liang donated 48 yuan
20 yuan. That's what they have left. How much did Huang Ming have?

Let Huang Ming have X Yuan and Zhang Liang have y yuan

Mischievous and Xiaoxiao both save pocket money. The ratio of money they save is 8:5. In another fund-raising activity, mischievous donated 40 yuan and Xiaoxiao donated 22 yuan
At this time, they have the same amount of money left. How much money does Xiaoxiao have?
Answer quickly!

Naughty 48 smile 30
Naughty (40-22) / (8-5) = 6 6x8 = 48
Xiaoxiao 6X5 = 30

The amount of money saved by Party A is 80% of that saved by Party B. after Party B takes out 15 yuan, the amount of money saved by Party A is 7 / 8 of that of Party A. how many yuan have Party A and Party B saved respectively?

The amount of money saved by Party A is 80% of that saved by Party B. after Party B takes out 15 yuan, the amount of money saved by Party A is 7 / 8 of that of Party A. how many yuan have Party A and Party B saved respectively?
A15 (1 / 80% - 7 / 8)
=40 yuan
B 40 △ 80% = 50 yuan

If Party A withdraws 50 yuan and Party B deposits 150 yuan, then the amount of money of Party B is twice that of Party A

How much do you want to save?
Let X be the deposit
The solution is x = 250
The deposit is 250 yuan

A, B and C save money. A saves 1 / 3 of the other two. B saves 25% of the other two. C saves 660 yuan. How much do the three save on average

It is known that the amount of money saved by Party A is 1 / 3 of the total amount of money saved by the other two people, so we can get: the amount of money saved by Party A is (1 / 3) / (1 + 1 / 3) = 1 / 4; the amount of money saved by Party B is 25% of the total amount of money saved by the other two people, so we can get: the amount of money saved by Party B is (25%) / (1 + 25%) = 1 / 5; the amount of money saved by Party C is 660 yuan, so we can get: the total amount of money saved by the three people is 66