There is a kind of organic matter, 23g, which is completely burned in the air to generate 44g of carbon dioxide and 27g of water. What is the mass of carbon element in the organic matter? What is the mass of hydrogen?

There is a kind of organic matter, 23g, which is completely burned in the air to generate 44g of carbon dioxide and 27g of water. What is the mass of carbon element in the organic matter? What is the mass of hydrogen?

According to the law of conservation of mass, the compound must contain hydrocarbon and its mass is equal to the mass of hydrocarbon in the product; according to the mass of carbon element in 44g carbon dioxide = 44g × 1244 × 100% = 12g, the mass of hydrogen element in 27g water = 27g × 1 × 218 × 100% = 3G, the mass of carbon element in the organic compound is 12g, and the mass of hydrogen element is 3G

It is known that the mass fraction of carbon in an organic compound is 40%
The structure formula of the organic compound with the smallest relative molecular weight is?

Let the molecular formula of the organic compound be cxhyoz (Y ≤ 2x + 2), 12x / (12x + y + 16Z) = 40% from C% = 40%, y = 18x-16z, 18x-16z ≤ 2x + 2 from y ≤ 2x + 2, X ≤ Z + 1 / 8. When z = 0, X can only take 0, which is impossible, so the organic compound cannot be hydrocarbon

23 g of an organic compound is completely burned in the air to generate 44 g of carbon dioxide and 27 g of water. How to calculate the mass of carbon element?

1. It has been said that the combustion is complete, which means that the carbon element in the organic matter has been completely transferred to the product carbon dioxide
2. When a substance burns in the air, it generally consumes oxygen except for special cases, so the mass of carbon element in the organic substance is directly equal to that of carbon element in 44 grams of carbon dioxide. This is the conservation of carbon element
3. The mass of carbon element in 44g carbon dioxide is 44 * C / CO2 = 44 * 12 / 44 = 12g
4. Furthermore, according to the conservation of hydrogen, the mass of hydrogen in the organic compound is 27 * 2H / H2O = 27 * 2 / 18 = 3 g
5. 23-12-3 = 8 g, indicating that the organic compound is composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, and its mass is 12 g, 3 G and 8 g respectively
6. According to the fact that the amount of substance is equal to the mass of substance / the molar mass of substance, it can be further calculated that the number ratio of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms is 12 / 12:3 / 1:8 / 16 = 2:6:1, that is, the chemical formula of the organic compound is c2h6o, that is, alcohol

Coal is an important chemical raw material, using coal as fuel is not only a great waste, but also because coal contains sulfur, the SO2 generated after combustion will cause air pollution. A factory uses coal as fuel, burning 4800KG of coal with 2% sulfur every day. (1) try to calculate how many grams of SO2 is emitted into the air every day? The content of SO2 in the waste gas of the plant can be determined according to the following reaction: SO2 + I2 + 2H2O = H2SO4 + 2hi. Now take 500ml of the waste gas sample of the plant, and use 200g of iodine solution with solute mass fraction of 2 × 10-9 to completely react with SO2 in the waste gas. Try to calculate whether the waste gas of the plant meets the national industrial waste gas emission standard (the content of SO2 in the waste gas) (3) using coal as fuel, what method do you think can reduce the air pollution caused by SO2?

(1) The mass of s in 4800KG coal = 4800KG × 2% = 96kg, the mass of SO2 discharged into the air = 96kg △ 3264 × 100% = 192.0kg; answer: the mass of SO2 discharged into the air is 192.0kg every day; (2) set the mass of SO2 in waste gas as xso2 + 2H2O + I2 = H2SO4 + 2hi64 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 254x & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; The solution of 200g × 2 × 10-964:254 = x: (200g × 2 × 10-9) X ≈ 1 × 10-7g500ml, SO2 content in waste gas = 1 × 10 − 7g500ml × 10 − 6 = 0.0002g/m3 = 0.2mg/m30.2mg/m3 > 0.15mg/m3, which does not meet the national standard. A: the waste gas discharged by the plant does not meet the national industrial waste gas emission standard. (3) from the source, the coal containing S is not used, or the s in the coal is removed and reused; from the waste gas treatment, the waste gas is treated by sodium hydroxide solution and then reused Therefore: the gas after combustion is absorbed by alkali liquor and then discharged to the atmosphere. High quality coal and desulfurized coal are used

Party A and Party B have a total of 700 yuan. Party A uses 3 / 5 of his own money, Party B uses 1 / 3 of his own preserves, and there is 360 yuan left. How many yuan do Party A and Party B have

Answer: A has 400 yuan; B has 300 yuan
Let a have X Yuan and B have y yuan
From (1), it is concluded that:
Substituting (3) into (2) yields:
Simplified as:

Party A and Party B have a total of RMB 10.8 yuan. Party A uses 75% of his own money and Party B uses 80% of his own money. The money left is exactly the same. How much money did Party A and Party B have?

Suppose a has x yuan, then B has 10.8-x yuan, so (1-75%) x = (10.8-x) × (1-80%) & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 0.25x = 2.16-0.2x & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 0.45X = 2

A and B each have a certain amount of RMB. A is 30% more than B and B is 60 yuan less than A. how much money do they have?

B: 60 △ 30% = 200 yuan
Total: 200 + 200 + 60 = 460 yuan

Party A and Party B each have a certain amount of deposit. After Party A gives 1 / 5 to Party B, Party B gives 1 / 4 of the deposit to Party A. at this time, they all have 180 yuan. How much of their original deposit

B = 180 (1-1 / 4) = 240 yuan
A = 180 × 2-240 = 120 yuan
A = 120 (1-1 / 5) = 150 yuan
B = 180 × 2-150 = 210 yuan

Party A and Party B each have some money. After Party A gives Party B 15 yuan, Party B gives party a 14 yuan. At this time, they each have 180 yuan. How many yuan do they have?

180 △ 34-180, = 240-180, = 60 (yuan). (180-60) △ 1-15), = 120 △ 45, = 150 (yuan). 180 × 2-150 = 360-150, = 210 (yuan)

Party A and Party B deposit a certain amount of money. It is known that 1 / 4 of Party A is equal to 1 / 5 of Party B, and that Party B deposits 2400 yuan more than Party A. how much does each party deposit?

Solution: A / 4 = B / 5; B-A = 2400; b = 1.25 a; 0.25 a = 2400, a = 9600, B = 12000