Every 12 phr of carbon reacts completely with 32 phr of oxygen to produce 44 phr of carbon dioxide What does the complete response mean

Every 12 phr of carbon reacts completely with 32 phr of oxygen to produce 44 phr of carbon dioxide What does the complete response mean

At the end of the reaction, there is no carbon, no oxygen or both in the mixture

What is the mass of carbon dioxide produced when 3 g of carbon reacts with 10 g of oxygen?

3 g of carbon can completely react with 8 g of oxygen to produce 11 g of carbon dioxide, leaving 2 g of oxygen unreacted
I haven't touched chemistry for a long time,

12 grams of carbon is fully burned in 36 grams of oxygen, and the mass of carbon dioxide is 44 grams. How to calculate?

The complete combustion of 12g carbon needs 32g oxygen, so 36g oxygen is excessive. The mass of carbon should be used to calculate the mass of CO2
So the mass of CO2 is 44 grams

8 g of carbon reacts with 8 g of oxygen, and the maximum mass of carbon dioxide is 0

It is assumed that the mass of carbon required for the complete reaction of 8 g oxygen to produce carbon dioxide is X
C + O2 = ignition = CO2
12 32
X 8g
The solution is x = 3G < 8g, so the mass of carbon dioxide is 3G + 8g = 11g
A. up to 11 grams of carbon dioxide can be obtained