After coal combustion, it turns into more coal ash with small mass, which indicates that the reaction of coal combustion does not conform to the law of conservation of mass When carbon is burned in oxygen, the mass of carbon dioxide produced is larger than that of carbon participating in the reaction If you use OCO to represent carbon dioxide, please use the diagram to show the chemical reaction of carbon dioxide and carbon to produce carbon monoxide

After coal combustion, it turns into more coal ash with small mass, which indicates that the reaction of coal combustion does not conform to the law of conservation of mass When carbon is burned in oxygen, the mass of carbon dioxide produced is larger than that of carbon participating in the reaction If you use OCO to represent carbon dioxide, please use the diagram to show the chemical reaction of carbon dioxide and carbon to produce carbon monoxide

All chemical reactions conform to the law of conservation of mass, and coal combustion is no exception. The generated CO2 goes to the air, and the rest is mainly non combustible impurities. Therefore, the mass of coal ash is much smaller than that of coal before combustion
The chemical equation for the reaction of CO2 with C is as follows:
The reaction condition of CO 2 + C = 2 CO is high temperature

Can the law of constant mass be used to explain the change of coal ash after coal combustion

This is what you said. In 1756, Russian chemist romonosov calcined tin in an airtight container. Tin changed and white tin oxide was produced. However, the total mass of the container and the substance in the container did not change before and after calcination. After repeated experiments, the same results were obtained, so he thought that in the chemical change, the substance

Explain "the weight of coal ash left by briquette combustion is lighter than that of briquette"
Explain with the law of conservation of chemical mass
What are the reactants and products? What is the composition of coal?

The main component of coal is carbon, which accounts for about 70 percent. There are sulfur and volatile organic matter and other things. There are also some inorganic components. The reactant is the reaction of carbon and oxygen to produce carbon dioxide