The cargo carrying capacity of vessel a is 25% more than that of vessel B. the total cargo carrying capacity of vessel a and B is 3600 tons?

The cargo carrying capacity of vessel a is 25% more than that of vessel B. the total cargo carrying capacity of vessel a and B is 3600 tons?

3600 ÷ (1 + 25% + 1), = 3600 △ 225%, = 1600 (tons), 3600-1600 = 2000 (tons), a: vessel a carries 2000 tons of cargo, vessel B carries 1600 tons of cargo

It takes 6 hours for ship a to travel from the east port to the West Port, and 4 hours for ship B to travel from the West Port to the east port. Now the two ships start from the east port and the West Port at the same time and face each other. As a result, they meet 18 kilometers from the midpoint. How many kilometers did ship a travel when they met?

The speed ratio of Party A and Party B is 4:6 = 2:3, 18 × 2 ^ (32 + 3-22 + 3) × 22 + 3, = 36 ^ (35-25) × 25, = 36 ^ 15 × 25, = 72 km; a: Party A traveled 72 km when they met

Passenger ships and cargo ships set out from port a to port B at the same time. Passenger ships travel 38 kilometers per hour and cargo ships 26 kilometers per hour. After a few hours, cargo ships land 18 kilometers behind passenger ships?

A: after 1.5 hours, the cargo ship landed 18 kilometers behind the passenger ship