The distance between port a and port B is 120 km. Ship a sails 60 km per hour from port a to port B. after 30 minutes, please thank you Ship B sails from port B to port a, traveling 70 kilometers per hour. How many hours after the departure of ship a, the two ships meet?

The distance between port a and port B is 120 km. Ship a sails 60 km per hour from port a to port B. after 30 minutes, please thank you Ship B sails from port B to port a, traveling 70 kilometers per hour. How many hours after the departure of ship a, the two ships meet?

(120-60 × 0.5) / (60 + 70) = 90 / 130 = 9 / 13 hours (meeting time) 0.5 + 9 / 13 = 1 and 5 / 26 hours question: what does slash mean? Answer: fraction line question: can you make it clear? What is a fraction line? I didn't graduate from primary school. Answer: because I can't divide it completely, I use fractions to express the exact value question: Yes, I gave the wrong question, It should be 1200. That's all! It's equal to 9 hours! Answer: learning opportunities

The distance between port a and port B is 1200 km. Ship a sails from port a to port B at 60 km per hour. 30 minutes after the departure of ship a, ship B sails from port B to port a at 70 km per hour. How many hours after the departure of ship B?

30 minutes = 12 hours, (1200-60 × 12) △ 60 + 70, = 1170 △ 130, = 9 hours, a: the ship B will meet 9 hours after departure

A batch of goods was distributed to Party A and Party B at a ratio of 5:3. Party a completed four fifths of the task, and the rest was distributed to Party B, who transported 480 tons
How many tons are the goods?

Suppose there are x tons of goods in total, and B has completed one fifth of a and three eighth of his own
There are 1 / 5 * 5 / 8x + 3 / 8x = 480

A batch of goods is distributed to Party A and Party B according to 5:3. Party A completes 5 / 4 of this task, and the rest is transported to Party B. Party A has transported 480 tons. How many tons of this batch of goods are there in total?
Can you just multiply 480 by 2?

Team a: 480 △ 4 / 5 = 600 (tons)
Team B: (600 △ 5) * 3 = 360 (tons)
Actual transportation of team B: 360 + (600-480) = 480 (tons)
You can't just multiply 480 by 2