The truck was driving at 35 kilometers per hour, and the car was catching up at 50 kilometers per hour. They met five hours later

The truck was driving at 35 kilometers per hour, and the car was catching up at 50 kilometers per hour. They met five hours later


When a car runs along a straight road, the speed of uniform motion within the second third of the displacement is 50 km / h, and the total average speed is 37.5 km / h__ Km / h. The answer is 25

Let the total displacement be 3S and the velocity of uniform motion within the first third of the position be v1
The two periods are as follows:
Total time t = T1 + T2 = s / V1 + S / 25
The total average velocity v = 3S / T
v1=25 km/h
The speed of uniform motion within the first third is_ 25_ km/h.