The passenger car and the freight car run in the opposite direction from the midpoint of a and B. three hours later, the passenger arrives at a, and the goods are 60km away from B. the speed ratio of goods and passengers is 3:4, and the distance between the two places is calculated

The passenger car and the freight car run in the opposite direction from the midpoint of a and B. three hours later, the passenger arrives at a, and the goods are 60km away from B. the speed ratio of goods and passengers is 3:4, and the distance between the two places is calculated

The speed of freight car is 3a and that of passenger car is 4a
The distance between the two places is s = 4A × 3 × 2 = 24a = 480km

The speed ratio of a and B is 5:4. After the two cars meet, they advance at the original speed. When a arrives at B, B is 60km away from a

=300 km

The two vehicles run from a and B at the same time. Vehicle a runs 60km per hour, and vehicle B runs 70km per hour. After X hours, the two vehicles meet
Car a runs () km, car B runs () km
2. The two vehicles run () km per hour, and the distance between AB and a is () km

Car a runs 60x km, car B runs 70X km, a total of 130 km, AB is 130x km apart

The distance between AB and a is 305 km, and the speed of car a is 70 km. After 20 minutes of departure, B drives from B to a, and the speed is 60 km. How long after a starts, the distance between the two cars is 65 km?
Car a goes from a to B

Car 20 branch: 70 × 20 / 60 = 70 / 3 (km)
Remaining: 305-70 / 3 = 845 / 3 (km)
65km apart: 845 / 3 ÷ (70 + 60) = 13 / 6 (hours)
After a starts: 20 / 60 + 13 / 6 = 2.5 hours, the distance between the two vehicles is 65km