We made a batch of parts. We made two fifths of these parts on the first day, and one third more on the second day than on the first day. What percentage of these parts were finished on the second day

We made a batch of parts. We made two fifths of these parts on the first day, and one third more on the second day than on the first day. What percentage of these parts were finished on the second day

A: the next day, we finished 8 / 15 of this batch of parts
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When Master Zhang processes a batch of parts, the ratio of the number of parts completed on the first day to the total number of parts is 1:3. If he processes another 15 parts, half of the batch of parts can be completed. How many parts are there in total?

Suppose there are x parts in this batch. 12x-13x = 15 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 15 × 6 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 90 A: there are 90 parts in this batch

When Master Wang processes a batch of parts, the ratio of the number of parts completed on the first day to the total number of parts is 1:5. If he processes another 45 parts, half of these parts can be completed. How many parts can master Wang process on the first day?

Total number of parts: 45 ÷ (12-15) = 150 number of parts processed in the first day: 150 × 15 = 30 answer: Master Wang processed 30 parts in the first day

Master Li finished one fourth of the batch of parts on the first day and three seventh of the batch on the second day
There are 81 parts left unprocessed. How many parts are there in this batch?
