The two cars left the east station and the west station at the same time. For the first time, they met 40 kilometers away from the east station. After that, the two cars continued to move forward at the original speed. After arriving at the station, they immediately returned and met again 30 meters away from the East station. How many meters away are the two stations?

The two cars left the east station and the west station at the same time. For the first time, they met 40 kilometers away from the east station. After that, the two cars continued to move forward at the original speed. After arriving at the station, they immediately returned and met again 30 meters away from the East station. How many meters away are the two stations?

40 × 3 = 120 km
Distance between two stations: (120 + 30) △ 2 = 75 km

The two cars started from the East and West stations at the same time. For the first time, they met 60 kilometers away from the east station. After that, the two cars continued to advance at the original speed. After arriving at each other's station, they both returned immediately and met 30 kilometers west of the midpoint. How many kilometers are the two stations apart?

(60 + 60 × 2 + 30) △ 1.5 = (60 + 120 + 30) △ 1.5 = 210 △ 1.5 = 140 (km) answer: the distance between the two stations is 140 km

After the first meeting 60 kilometers away from the central station, the two cars continued to move forward at the same speed, and each car arrived at the opposite station
We will return immediately.
1. If we meet at 80 kilometers of Lidong station for the second time, how many kilometers is the distance between the East and West stations?
2. If we meet 80 kilometers away from the west railway station for the second time, how many kilometers are there between the East and west railway stations?
3. If we meet for the second time at a distance of 30 km from the west station, how many meters is the distance between the East and West stations?
4. If we meet 30 kilometers away from the east central station for the second time, how many meters is the distance between the East and West stations?

After the first meeting 60 kilometers away from the east station, the two cars continue to move forward at the original speed, and each car returns to the other immediately. 1. If the second meeting is 80 kilometers away from Lidong station, how many kilometers is the distance between the East and West stations? (60 × 3 + 80) △ 2 = 260 △ 2 = 130 kilometers

The two trains leave from phase A and phase B at the same time. After meeting 55 kilometers away from station a, they continue to advance at the original speed. After arriving at each other's station, they return immediately
I met 15 kilometers away from the midpoint (to the side of station a) and asked how many kilometers away the two stations were. Could you answer my question? I'm not in a hurry, but I really want to know the answer. It's better to mark the meaning of each step

The first time the two cars met, they drove a journey of Party A and Party B together. At this time, the car from station a drove 55 kilometers. When the car from station a arrived at station B, and the car from station B arrived at station a, they drove two distances of Party A and Party B together. When the two cars went back, they met again, and they drove three distances of Party A and Party B together, The car leaving from station a should have driven 3 × 55 = 165 km. In fact, it has driven one and a half miles, and it is 15 km more (15 km away from the midpoint, leaning to the side of station a, indicating that it is more than 15 km away from the midpoint when returning)
Therefore, 165-15 = 150 km is equivalent to one and a half miles
Distance between two stations = (3 × 55-15) / (1 + 0.5)
=100 km