Two cars a and B leave from a and B at the same time. Two hours later, they meet at a distance of 15 kilometers from the midpoint, Find the distance between AB and two places

Two cars a and B leave from a and B at the same time. Two hours later, they meet at a distance of 15 kilometers from the midpoint, Find the distance between AB and two places

=170 km

A. B two cars respectively from a, B two places at the same time, 6 hours meet at the midpoint of 15 kilometers, known a car speed
It's 7:10 of the speed of car B. find the correct formula for the distance between a and B

=170 km

The speed ratio of car a and car B is 5:7. Now the two cars start from two places and travel in opposite directions. When they meet, they are 40 kilometers away from the midpoint. How many meters is the total length?

The speed ratio is the distance ratio
When they met, they were 40 kilometers away from the midpoint, that is, they traveled 40 * 2 kilometers more than a
That's seven to five

The speed ratio of a and B vehicles is 7:11. After meeting, the two vehicles continue to run and return to Ba immediately. When meeting for the second time, a vehicle is 80 kilometers away from B. how many kilometers are there between a and B?
If you want to write the quantity relation, you need to write the whole process to solve the proportion

=96 km