If the departure time of the two vehicles is 6:00, then they meet at 11:00. If the departure time of the two vehicles is 7:00 and 8:00 respectively, then they meet at 12:40. Now the departure time of the two vehicles is 10:00 and 8:00 respectively, when will they meet? (the time mentioned in this question is the same day, using the 24-hour timing method)

If the departure time of the two vehicles is 6:00, then they meet at 11:00. If the departure time of the two vehicles is 7:00 and 8:00 respectively, then they meet at 12:40. Now the departure time of the two vehicles is 10:00 and 8:00 respectively, when will they meet? (the time mentioned in this question is the same day, using the 24-hour timing method)

6: 00-11:00 (5 hours) 6:00-7:00 (1 hour) 6:00-8:00 (2 hours) 7:00-12:40 (17 / 3 hours) 8:00-12:40 (14 / 3 hours) bus speed: 1-1 / 5x14 / 3 = 1 / 15 truck speed: 1 / 5-1 / 15 = 2 / 15 (1-2 / 15x2) △ 1 / 5 = 11 / 3 (hours) = 3 hours 40 minutes they meet each other

The passenger car and the freight car run from both sides of a and B at the same time, and they can meet on the way after 6 hours, because the freight car drops the goods on the way for 2.5 hours until 7.5 hours after departure
It is known that buses travel 80 kilometers per hour. How many kilometers are there between a and B

Party A and Party B walk 1 / 6 of the whole journey every hour
7.5 hours 1 / 6x7.5 = 1.25
The truck stopped for 2.5 hours
The freight car travels (1.25-1) △ 2.5 = 1 / 10 of the whole journey per hour
The bus runs 1 / 6-1 / 10 = 5 / 30-3 / 30 = 1 / 15 per hour
The whole course is 80 △ 1 / 15 = 1200 km

The bus and the truck leave from a and B at the same time. They meet on the way 6 hours later
The bus and the truck leave from a and B at the same time. Six hours later, they meet on the way. After meeting, they continue to move in the same speed and direction. After another four hours, the bus arrives at B, and the truck is 240 kilometers away from A. how many kilometers are there between a and B?
I haven't learned the equation yet. How to calculate it?

720 km. Set the distance s, the bus speed V1 equals s divided by 10, the truck speed V2 equals s minus 240, then divide by 10, and then make a general formula. The bus speed plus the truck speed multiplied by 6 hours is s. even if the answer is given. Sorry, I can't make a formula by phone!

The distance between a and B is 1200 km. The buses and trucks are running from each other at the same time
The speed of a passenger car is 11-9 times that of a freight car. What is the speed of the two cars?
Let's write the process of the equation!

When they met, the freight car went: 1200 ÷ (11 / 9 + 1) = 540 km
Truck speed: 540 △ 6 = 90 km / h
Bus speed: 90 × 11 / 9 = 110 km / h
Suppose the speed of freight car is x km / h
(11/9+1)x ×6=1200
Bus speed: 90 × 11 / 9 = 110 km / h