A passenger car and a freight car go in opposite direction at the same time. The freight car is 6 kilometers faster than the passenger car per hour. After 3 hours, the distance between the two cars is 342 kilometers

A passenger car and a freight car go in opposite direction at the same time. The freight car is 6 kilometers faster than the passenger car per hour. After 3 hours, the distance between the two cars is 342 kilometers

(342 △ 3-6) △ 2, = (114-6) △ 2, = 108 △ 2, = 54 (km), a: the speed of the bus is 54 km

The distance between station a and station B is 760 km. A train of passenger cars and a train of freight cars run from the two stations at the same time. Two hours later, they meet to know that the speed ratio of passenger cars and freight cars is 11:8. Passenger cars travel thousands of meters more than freight cars per hour? (two types)

The sum of the two speeds is 760 / 2 = 380 km / h, so the speed of passenger cars is 380 * 11 / (11 + 8) = 220 km / h, and that of freight cars is 380 * 8 / (8 + 11) = 160 km / h

A freight car and a passenger car run from two places 135 km apart at the same time. After 1.5 hours of meeting, it is known that the speed ratio of the freight car and the passenger car is 7:8. How many kilometers does the passenger car run per hour?

135 △ 1.5 × 87 + 8 = 90 × 815 = 48 (km) a: the bus travels 48 km per hour

A freight car and a passenger car run from two places 135 km apart at the same time and meet each other in 1.5 hours. It is known that the speed ratio of freight car and passenger car is 7:8,
Seeking the form speed of bus

Speed and 135 △ 1.5 = 90km / h
Bus speed 90x7 △ 8 + 7 = 42km / h