The weight ratio of the two baskets of apples is 5:3. Take 12 kg out of the basket and put it into the basket. At this time, the apples in the basket B are 8 kg more than those in the basket A. how many kg are the two baskets of apples?

The weight ratio of the two baskets of apples is 5:3. Take 12 kg out of the basket and put it into the basket. At this time, the apples in the basket B are 8 kg more than those in the basket A. how many kg are the two baskets of apples?

Suppose basket a weighs 5x kg and basket B weighs 3x kg. From the meaning of the title, we can get: 5x-12 = 3x + 12-8, & nbsp; & nbsp; 2x = 16, & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 8; 5 × 8 = 40 (kg); 3 × 8 = 24 (kg); 40 + 24 = 64 (kg); answer: two baskets of apples weigh 64 kg in total

There are two baskets of apples with the same quantity. If 6 kg is taken out of basket a and 14 kg is put into basket B, the weight of basket B is three times that of basket A. how many kg are the original apples in basket a and basket B?

Later, the mass of apple in basket a: (6 + 14) / (3-1), = 20 △ 2, = 10 (kg), the mass of apple in basket a: 10 + 6 = 16 (kg), the mass of apple in basket B: 3 × 10 = 30 (kg), the weight of apple in basket B: 30-14 = 16 (kg), a: the mass of apple in basket a and B: 16 kg

There are two baskets of apples. The mass of the first basket is 90% of that of the second basket. If the second basket gives 10 kg to the first basket, then there are as many apples in the two baskets as there are apples in the second basket
How many kilos is the fruit?
I want to analyze + arithmetic + equation solution

If the mass of the first basket is 90% of that of the second basket, the ratio of the first basket to the second basket is 9:10
10 + 10 = 20 (kg) First frame + 10, second basket - 10, the difference between the two baskets is 20
20 divided by (10-9) = 20 (kg) The ratio is 20 kg
20x9 = 180 (kg) First basket
20X10 = 200 (kg) Second basket
Suppose the first basket of apples weighs 9ykg and the second basket weighs 10ykg
9y=20x9=180…… First basket
10y=20x10=200…… First basket
A: the second basket of apples weighs 200 kg
Seeking points

There are two baskets of apples, the first one is 35 of the second one. If 10 apples are taken from the first basket to the second basket, the first one is 12 of the second basket. How many apples are there in all?

Suppose there are x apples in the second basket, & nbsp; & nbsp; 35x-10 = (x + 10) × 12, & nbsp; & nbsp; 35x-10 = x × 12 + 10 × 12, 35x-10 + 10 = 12x + 5 + 10, & nbsp; 35x-12x = 15, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 110x = 15, & nbsp; 110x △ 110 = 15 △ 110, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp