The price of 20 kg apple and 30 kg pear is 132 yuan. The price of 4 kg apple is equal to that of 5 kg pear If you want to solve it, don't just list it!

The price of 20 kg apple and 30 kg pear is 132 yuan. The price of 4 kg apple is equal to that of 5 kg pear If you want to solve it, don't just list it!

20 kg Apple = 5 times 4 kg apple
30 kg pear = 6 times 5 kg pear
Mass per serving = 132 / (5 + 6) = 12 kg
Apple price = 12 / 4 = 3kg
Unit price of pear = 12 / 5 = 2.4kg

The price of 20 kg apple and 30 kg pear is 132 yuan. The price of 2 kg apple is equal to that of 2 kg and 5 kg pear. Calculate the unit price of apple and pear

According to "the price of 2kg apples is equal to that of 2kg and 5kg pears", the price of 20kg apples is equivalent to that of 25kg pears. Therefore, the unit price of pears is 132 ÷ (30 + 25) = 2.4 yuan
The unit price of apple is 2.4 × 2.5 △ 2 = 3 yuan

20 kg of apples and 30 kg of pears cost 132 yuan in total. The price of 2 kg of apples is equal to that of 2.5 kg of pears. How many yuan per kg of apples and pears?

132 ﹣ 10 ﹣ 10 (2.5 + 30 ﹣ 10) = 13.2 ﹣ 5.5 = 2.4 (yuan) 2.5 × 2.4 ﹣ 2 = 6 ﹣ 2 = 3 (yuan) a: 3 yuan per kilogram of apples and 2.4 yuan per kilogram of pears

The price of 20 kg apples and 30 kg pears is 132 yuan. It is known that 3 yuan per kg apples. What is the unit price of pears?

Set pear x yuan per kilogram
X = 2.4 yuan / kg