Team a and team B jointly built the railway and paved it for 16 days. Team a paved 96 meters more than team B. team a paved 70 meters every day, and team B paved how many meters every day?

Team a and team B jointly built the railway and paved it for 16 days. Team a paved 96 meters more than team B. team a paved 70 meters every day, and team B paved how many meters every day?

If B paves x meters per day, there are:
(70-x) * 16 = 96, x = 64M

The construction team built a 1290 km long railway. Team a and team B cooperated and spent six days. Team a built 15 km more per day than team B
How many kilometers do teams a and B repair each day

The equation 6 * (x + y) = 1290, X-Y = 15

A certain engineering team built a section of railway, which was 225 meters in the first three days. According to this calculation, it can be completed in another four days______ Rice

225 + 225 △ 3 × 4, = 225 + 75 × 4, = 225 + 300, = 525 (m); answer: the length of this section of railway is 525 M