(2012 · Bazhou city simulation) the two engineering teams a and B built a total of 360 meters of roads. The length ratio of the two teams was 5:4. How many meters did team a repair more than team B?

(2012 · Bazhou city simulation) the two engineering teams a and B built a total of 360 meters of roads. The length ratio of the two teams was 5:4. How many meters did team a repair more than team B?

A: team a repaired 40 meters more than team B

(2012 · Bazhou city simulation) the two engineering teams a and B built a total of 360 meters of roads. The length ratio of the two teams was 5:4. How many meters did team a repair more than team B?

A: team a repaired 40 meters more than team B

The two engineering teams of a and B build a total of 360 meters of roads. Three fifths of the roads built by team a are as long as the three fourths built by team B. how many meters do the two teams build

The ratio of a and B is 3 / 4:3 / 5 = 5:4
So a 360 × 5 ^ (5 + 4) = 200m
B 360-200 = 160m

Party A and Party B have built a total of 360 meters of roads. The length of roads built by Party A is 5 / 4 of that of Party B. how many meters has team B built
Wrong number, five fourths

If it is 4 / 5, it is as follows:
360 ÷ (1 + 4 / 5) = 200 (m)
A: Team B repaired 200 meters
If it's 5 / 4, it's as follows
360 ÷ (1 + 5 / 4) = 160 (m)