There are 120 people in the two engineering teams, of which the number of team B is three times less than that of team A. how many people are there in each team?

There are 120 people in the two engineering teams, of which the number of team B is three times less than that of team A. how many people are there in each team?

Number of team a:
=31 (person)
Number of team B:
120-31 = 89 (person)

There are three schools, school a, School B and school C. the number of students in school a is equal to three fifths of that in school B, and the number of students in school B is equal to five eighths of that in school C. It is known that there are 120 more students in school C than in school a. how many students are there in the three schools?

The number of students in school a is equal to three fifths of that in school B
The number of students in school B is equal to five eighths of that in school C,
C is B: 1 / 5 / 8 = 8 / 5
The second is: 120 (8 / 5-3 / 5) = 120 people
Total number: 120 × (1 + 8 / 5 + 3 / 5) = 384

Department a: 80 people department B: 120 people department C: 100 people
The number of employees in departments a, B and C of a certain unit is shown in the table above. 15 advanced workers should be selected from the employees of departments a, B and C. according to the ratio of the number of employees in each department, how many advanced workers should be selected from each of the three departments?

Department B: 120 Department C: 100
A: B: C = 80:120:100 = 4:6:5
15 advanced workers will be selected from the staff of departments a, B and C
A 4, B 6, C 5

The number of a, B and C departments in a unit is as follows: 80 for a, 120 for B and 100 for C. 15 advanced workers should be selected from the three departments and compared according to each department
How many advanced workers should be selected in the three departments?

Then there are 4 persons in department a, 6 persons in department B and 5 persons in department C