The distance between Party A and Party B is 400km. The express train runs 64km per hour and the local train 36km per hour. The distance between the two trains is 150km after a few hours of departure from Party A and Party B at the same time

The distance between Party A and Party B is 400km. The express train runs 64km per hour and the local train 36km per hour. The distance between the two trains is 150km after a few hours of departure from Party A and Party B at the same time

=2.5 hours

The distance between the two places is 120 km. Vehicle a and vehicle B start from the two places and drive in the same direction at the same time. Vehicle a is in the front, 36 km per hour. Vehicle B is in the back. If you want to catch up with vehicle a in 8 hours, how many km per hour should vehicle B travel

Set B x km
So B is 51
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