A and B start from the East and West cities at the same time, and run in opposite directions. They meet in 6 hours. If the speed of the two vehicles increases by 6 kilometers, they meet in 5.4 hours How many kilometers?

A and B start from the East and West cities at the same time, and run in opposite directions. They meet in 6 hours. If the speed of the two vehicles increases by 6 kilometers, they meet in 5.4 hours How many kilometers?

. set the speed and X km
108 * 6 = 648 km
A: the distance between the two cities is 648km

A and B start from the East and West cities at the same time, and they meet each other for 6 hours. If the speed of the two vehicles increases by 6 kilometers, they just meet in 5.4 hours, ask the distance between the East and West cities

Let the closing speed be X
Distance 108 * 6 = 648km

It is known that the distance between a and B is 600 km, and a and B vehicles travel from a and B at the same time, and they can meet in 12 hours. But if a runs for 2 hours and B runs for 3 hours, then
So they can only travel 1 / 5 of the whole journey, how many hours does it take for a single person to complete the whole journey?

B per hour = 1 / 5-2 × 1 / 12 = 1 / 30
B per hour = 600 × 1 / 30 = 20 km / h
A / h = 600 △ 12-20 = 30 km / h
A = 600 △ 30 = 20 hours

It takes 12 hours for car a to go from place a to place B, and it takes 50 kilometers per hour for car B. now the two cars travel from place a and place B to each other at the same time. When they meet, they travel seven twelfth of the whole journey. How many kilometers are there between a and B? A motorcycle and a car drive from place a to place B for 3 hours at the same time. The motorcycle reaches the midpoint of a and B, and the car is 90 kilometers away from the midpoint, It is known that the speed of a car is three fifths of that of a motorcycle. What is the speed of a motorcycle and a car? Thank you for your safe life!
There are two questions!

1. Meeting time: 7 / 12 △ 1 / 12 = 7 (hours)
When we met, B made the whole journey: 1-7 / 12 = 5 / 12
When we met, B line: 50 × 7 = 350 km
Distance between the two places: 350 △ 5 / 12 = 840km
2. Motorcycle is faster than car per hour: 90 △ 3 = 30 km
The speed ratio of car to motorcycle is 3:5
Motorcycle speed: 30 ÷ (5-3) × 5 = 75 km
Vehicle speed: 75 × 3 / 5 = 45 km