It is known that car a travels 80 kilometers per hour and car B 75 kilometers per hour A and B vehicles leave a and B at the same time, and meet at 25 kilometers away from the midpoint. It is known that car a travels 80 kilometers per hour, car B 75 kilometers per hour, and how many kilometers are there between a and B?

It is known that car a travels 80 kilometers per hour and car B 75 kilometers per hour A and B vehicles leave a and B at the same time, and meet at 25 kilometers away from the midpoint. It is known that car a travels 80 kilometers per hour, car B 75 kilometers per hour, and how many kilometers are there between a and B?

More lines per hour for a than B: 80-75 = 5 (km)
When meeting, a has more lines than B: 25 × 2 = 50 (km)
The meeting time of the two cars is: 50 △ 5 = 10 (hours)
A B distance between the two places: (80 + 75) × 10 = 1550 (km)

Car a and car B travel in the same direction from the same place. Car a travels 80 kilometers per hour, while car B travels 75 kilometers per hour. A few hours after the two vehicles start at the same time, car a is better than car B
40 kilometers more?

40 ÷ (80-75) = 8 hours