A and B drove from a and B at the same time. After 8 hours of meeting, they drove 384 kilometers, It is known that the speed of a car is one fourth faster than that of a car. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

A and B drove from a and B at the same time. After 8 hours of meeting, they drove 384 kilometers, It is known that the speed of a car is one fourth faster than that of a car. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

Car a drove 384 kilometers in 8 hours
The speed of vehicle B is 1 / 4 = 48 * (1 + 1 / 4) = 60km / h faster than that of vehicle a
Distance between two places of AB = (48 + 60) * 8 = 864km

At the same time, the passenger car and the freight car drive in the opposite direction from the midpoint of a and B. four hours later, the passenger car arrives at a, and the freight car is 50 kilometers away from B. It is known that the speed ratio of the freight car to the passenger car is 3:4. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

Suppose the speed of passenger car is 4x and that of freight car is 3x. According to the equation of travel series: 4x × 4 = 3x × 4 + 50, 4x = 50
The distance between a and B is 2 × 4x × 4 = 400 km

Three hours later, the bus arrives at town a, and the truck is 30 kilometers away from town B. It is known that the speed of the truck is 34 times that of the bus. How many kilometers are there between town a and town B?

The speed of passenger cars and freight cars is 12 △ 3, = 16; 16 × 34, = 18; the distance between town a and town B is 30 △ 12-18 × 3, = 30 × 8, = 240 km. A: the distance between town a and town B is 240 km

The passenger car and the freight car drive in the opposite direction from the midpoint of a and B at the same place. Four hours later, the passenger car arrives at a, and the freight car is 50 kilometers away from B. It is known that the speed ratio of the freight car to the passenger car is 3:5. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

If the distance is set to x, then there are:
The distance is 125 km;
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