A car travels 60km per hour, 4 / 7 slower than a train. How many kilometers does a train travel per hour

A car travels 60km per hour, 4 / 7 slower than a train. How many kilometers does a train travel per hour

If a train travels x kilometers per hour, then:
That is, a train travels 140 kilometers per hour

When a car goes from city a to city B, the speed is 60 kilometers per hour when it goes and 80 kilometers per hour when it comes back

Let the distance between a and B be x, T1 (departure time) = x / 60, T2 (return time) = x / 80
=68.57 KM/H

The ratio of a's speed to B's speed is 3:2. After meeting, a's speed is increased by 20%, B's speed is increased by 30%, a reaches B, and B reaches a with a difference of 14 km
Notice that both a and B are facing each other from ab at the same time. What's the distance between a and B?

If the distance between the two places is x, the starting speed of a is 3 and the starting speed of B is 4, then the speed of a is 3.6 and that of B is 2.6
So the equation 3 / 5 * x-2.6 * (2 / 5 * x / 3.6) = 14
The solution is x = 630

If the speed of a car from place a to place B is increased by 20%, it can arrive one hour earlier than the original time. If the speed is increased by 25% after driving 120 km at the original speed, it can arrive 40 minutes earlier______ Kilometers

If the speed is increased by 20%, the time will be 11 + 20% = 56, which is 1 hour earlier than the original time. If the speed is increased by 25%, the time will be 11 + 25% = 45. If the speed is increased by 40 minutes, the remaining journey will take 4060 △ 1-45 = 103 hours, which is 40 minutes earlier