A and B race walking on the 400 meter circular track. A walks 150 meters per minute and B walks 100 meters per minute. If they start from the same starting point at the same time, a can meet B again in a few minutes?

A and B race walking on the 400 meter circular track. A walks 150 meters per minute and B walks 100 meters per minute. If they start from the same starting point at the same time, a can meet B again in a few minutes?

Let's meet again in X minutes

A, B two people along the 400 meter circular runway, from the same place at the same time back to practice walking, a's speed is 125 m / min, B's speed is 115 M / min
The speed of a is 125 m / min, and that of B is 115 M / min. after a few minutes, they meet for the first time? If they practice walking in the same direction at the same time, how many minutes will they meet for the first time?

400 / (115 + 125) = 5 / 3 = 1.1.667 (min)
400 / (125-115) = 40 minutes
If there is a problem, if there is no problem,

A and B race to walk around the lake in the same direction. A circle around the lake is 400 meters. B walks 80 meters per minute. A's speed is one and four times that of B
We have to make equations!

Party A and Party B race around the lake in the same direction. A circle around the lake is 400 meters. Party B walks 80 meters per minute. The speed of Party A is one and a quarter times that of Party B. when will party a catch up with Party B?
Let a catch up with B in a minute
A = 20 points
A takes 20 minutes to catch up with B