A passenger car and a freight car are going from Beijing to Shanghai at the same time. The freight car runs 85 kilometers per hour. How many hours later, the distance between the two cars is 120 kilometers

A passenger car and a freight car are going from Beijing to Shanghai at the same time. The freight car runs 85 kilometers per hour. How many hours later, the distance between the two cars is 120 kilometers

There's too little information. There's not a speed ratio for a van

A motorcycle can travel 120 kilometers in 2 hours, and a car can travel 240 kilometers in 3 hours. The speed of a car is several times that of a motorcycle

Motorcycle 120 / 2 per hour = 60 km
240 △ 3 = 80 km / h
So it's 80 / 60 = 1 and 1 / 3

The bus and the minibus start from city a to city B at the same time. The bus runs 90 kilometers per hour. The car runs 60 kilometers in the first hour, and then increases 5 kilometers per hour. Does it take () hours for the car to catch up with the bus?


The bus runs a kilometer per hour, the car runs 20 kilometers more per hour than the bus, the minibus runs 5 kilometers per hour and 8 kilometers per hour

Five hours is 5A + 100, eight hours is 8A + 160
Are you kidding us