A bus from a city to B city, 1 hour 15 minutes 100 kilometers, with the same speed again 3 hours 45 minutes, to B city How many kilometers are the two cities apart?

A bus from a city to B city, 1 hour 15 minutes 100 kilometers, with the same speed again 3 hours 45 minutes, to B city How many kilometers are the two cities apart?

Three hours and 45 minutes is three times as long as one hour and 15 minutes, so the distance between the two cities is 100 * 3 + 100 kilometers

The distance between city a and city B is 690 km. A car drives from city a to city B at the speed of 45 km per hour. Two hours later, a motorcycle drives from city B to city A
The car meets 240 kilometers away from B city. How fast is the motorcycle?

V = 30 km / h

A walks 5 kilometers per hour. 4.5 hours after a starts, B follows the same route by motorcycle to catch up with A. B takes 45 minutes to catch up with a and find the speed of the motorcycle

Motorcycle riding time: 0.75 hours
A walking time: 4.5 + 0.75 = 5.25 hours
Distance of a: 5 × 5.25 = 26.25 km
Speed of B: 26.25 △ 0.75 = 35 (km / h)
A: the speed of motorcycle is 35 km / h

A car drove from city a to city B. one and a half hours later, a motorcycle drove from city a to city B at a speed of 90km
3 hours later, the motorcycle catches up with the car, how many kilometers does the car travel per hour {thank you for the process]

Set up a car to travel x kilometers per hour
5 x = 90 × 3
A: cars travel 60 kilometers per hour