How long does it take for a car to travel 45 kilometers per hour from Jiacheng to Yicheng, arrive in 4 hours, and return with a 20% increase in speed

How long does it take for a car to travel 45 kilometers per hour from Jiacheng to Yicheng, arrive in 4 hours, and return with a 20% increase in speed

How long does it take for a car to travel 45 kilometers per hour from Jiacheng to Yicheng, arrive in 4 hours, and increase its speed by 20% when it comes back?
The results are as follows
The distance between the two cities is: 45 * 4 = = 180 km
When coming back, the speed is: 45 * (1 + 20%) = = 54 km / h
So the time needed to come back is:
180 / 54 = = 10 / 3 hours
A: it will take 10 / 3 hours to get back

How long does it take for a car to travel 45 kilometers per hour from city a to city B and arrive in 4 hours? When it comes back, the speed is increased by 20%

When the bus starts, the distance between the two vehicles is 320km. This means that the bus will catch up with the truck after it starts. It's about 8km before it can catch up with the truck. At this time, the truck will stop and let the bus go well. At this time, the distance difference between the two vehicles is 8km, which means that the truck has to walk more than the bus. When the bus starts, the distance between the two vehicles is 320km Later, the difference was only 8km, that is to say, the bus caught up with 312km. The speed difference between the two cars was 72km \ \ / h, and the time needed to catch up was 312 \ \ / 72. The result was 4.33 Three cycle hours is 4 hours and 20 minutes, 11:00, after 4 hours and 20 minutes is 15:20

A car goes from city a to city B at the speed of 50 kilometers per hour. It takes less than 2 hours to travel 60 kilometers per hour from city B to city A
How many kilometers is the distance between the two cities?

A car goes from city a to city B at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour. It takes two hours less to travel 60 kilometers per hour from city b back to city a than it did before. What is the distance between city a and city B?
=600 km