The road between a and B is 216 kilometers long. How many kilometers did a car travel from a to B?

The road between a and B is 216 kilometers long. How many kilometers did a car travel from a to B?

216 × 38 = 81 km; a: 81 km

A car up the mountain, 38 kilometers per hour, 4.2 hours to reach the top of the mountain, only 3.8 hours to return from the original road, the car up and down the mountain, to find its speed

Both a and B cars drive from a to B. a car travels 65 kilometers per hour, B car travels 42 kilometers per hour, B car goes first two hours, then a car goes back
After a few hours, car a is 8 kilometers more than car B?

(42x2 + 8) / (65-42) = 4 hours
A: after another four hours, car a is more than car B by eight kilometers
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