The two trains run from two places 770 km apart, The distance between the two trains seven hundred and seventy Km of the two places to each other, a car every hour forty-five Km, B per hour forty-one thousand Mi, car B starts first two After a few hours, car a started. Car a met car B a few hours later No equations

The two trains run from two places 770 km apart, The distance between the two trains seven hundred and seventy Km of the two places to each other, a car every hour forty-five Km, B per hour forty-one thousand Mi, car B starts first two After a few hours, car a started. Car a met car B a few hours later No equations

=8 (hours)

A. The distance between B and a is 1200 km. A and B trains leave from a and B at the same time. The speed of train a is 40 km / h, and that of train B is 40 km / h
At the time of departure, a pigeon flew out of the carriage and flew to train a at a speed of 80 km / h. When the pigeon met train a, how far was train B from ground a

When a pigeon meets a car, it needs to:
1200 ÷ (40 + 80) = 10 hours
B distance a:
1200-B speed × 10
B. I don't know the speed. Take a look and calculate for yourself

An airplane flies 715 kilometers per hour, 13 times the distance traveled by a car per hour. How many kilometers faster is an airplane than a car per hour?

715-715 △ 13, = 715-55, = 660 (km), a: the plane is 660 km faster than the car per hour

The plane flies 480 kilometers per hour, the car travels 60 kilometers per hour, the plane flies 5 / 2 hours, the car travels several hours

Aircraft speed: car speed ratio = 8:1, then the time for the car to travel is 8 * 5 / 2 = 20 hours. I am doing a task