A car travels 45 kilometers per hour, (), what percentage of the speed of a swallow is this car Filling conditions () the speed of a car is 30% of that of a swallow. How many kilometers per hour does the car travel

A car travels 45 kilometers per hour, (), what percentage of the speed of a swallow is this car Filling conditions () the speed of a car is 30% of that of a swallow. How many kilometers per hour does the car travel

Set the whole journey as X 80 * 4 / 3 = x * 30 / 100, x = 200 (km), 200-60 = 140, 140 / 80 = 1.75 (H), and it will take 1.75 hours to reach the destination

The highway between a and B is 315 kilometers long. A bus and a truck run from a and B at the same time. The bus runs 60 kilometers per hour and the truck 45 kilometers per hour. How many kilometers did the bus and truck travel when they met?


The highway between city a and city B is 480 kilometers long. A bus and a truck start from the two cities at the same time and run in opposite directions. After three hours, they meet
The speed of the freight car is 75 km / h, and the speed of the passenger car is calculated

Bus speed = 480 △ 3-75 = 85 km / h

On the map with a scale of 1:6000000, the length of the highway between a and B is 6 cm. A bus and a truck start from the two places at the same time
How many hours do the two cars meet?

Actual distance between Party A and Party B:
6 × 6000000 = 36000000cm = 360km
Encounter needs: 360 ÷ (100 + 80) = 2 hours