The speed ratio of passenger cars to freight cars is 5:4. Passenger cars travel 15 kilometers more per hour than freight cars It's a list

The speed ratio of passenger cars to freight cars is 5:4. Passenger cars travel 15 kilometers more per hour than freight cars It's a list

The speed ratio of passenger car and freight car is 5:4. Assuming that the speed of passenger car is 5V, the speed of freight car is 4V
Passenger cars travel 15 kilometers more per hour than freight cars, set the time as t
That's a good way
Therefore, the speed of the bus is 5V = 75KM / h
The speed of the truck is 4V = 60km / h

The speed of a freight car is 5 / 6 of that of a passenger car. The passenger car travels 15 kilometers more per hour than the freight car. How many kilometers do the passenger car and the freight car travel each hour

Passenger cars and trucks travel 75 and 90 kilometers per hour respectively

The speed of a freight car is 5 / 6 of that of a passenger car. The passenger car travels 15 kilometers more per hour than the freight car. How many kilometers do the passenger car and the freight car travel each hour?
Use arithmetic, do not use equation) use arithmetic, do not use equation) use arithmetic, do not use equation)

Passenger car speed = 15 / (1-5 / 6) = 90 freight car speed = 90 * (5 / 6) = 75

The speed of a passenger car is 1.5 times that of a freight car. The passenger car travels 25 kilometers more per hour than the freight car. How many kilometers does the freight car travel per hour?

If the speed of freight car is x, the speed of passenger car is 1.5x
Therefore, the speed of the truck is 50km / h