The distance between the two places is 480 kilometers. A and B leave each other from the two cities at the same time. Three hours later, a runs two-thirds of the whole journey, Which car is closer to the midpoint? How many kilometers is the car from the destination? It must be clear, clear, formula and process!

The distance between the two places is 480 kilometers. A and B leave each other from the two cities at the same time. Three hours later, a runs two-thirds of the whole journey, Which car is closer to the midpoint? How many kilometers is the car from the destination? It must be clear, clear, formula and process!

Distance from car a: 480 × (2 / 3-1 / 2) = 80 km
Distance from vehicle B: 480 × (3 / 4-1 / 2) = 120 km
A: the car is closer to the midpoint

The distance between the two places is 480 km. Two vehicles a and B leave the two cities at the same time. Three hours later, car a runs 2 / 3 of the whole journey and car B runs 3 / 4 of the whole journey. Which vehicle is the distance?

Because the distance between the two places is 480 kilometers, a and B vehicles leave from the two cities at the same time
Therefore, as long as we calculate the distance between a and B, we can get the distance from the midpoint
S a = 2 / 3 * 480 = 320 V A = 320 / 3
S b = 3 / 4 * 480 = 360 v b = 360 / 3 = 120
S midpoint = 240km
So the distance between a and B is 80km
Of course, if you don't understand, you can draw