A and B start from two places 120km apart in the same direction at the same time. B is in front of A. when a overtakes B, a travels kilometers more than B

A and B start from two places 120km apart in the same direction at the same time. B is in front of A. when a overtakes B, a travels kilometers more than B

When a overtakes B, a Travels (120) kilometers more than B

When car a runs 65% of the whole journey and car B runs 75% of the whole journey, the distance between the two cars is 60 kilometers. How many kilometers does car a travel more than car B
When car a runs 65% of the whole journey and car B 75% of the whole journey, the distance between the two cars is 60 kilometers. How many kilometers more does car a travel than car B

When car a runs 65% of the whole journey and car B runs 75% of the whole journey, the distance between the two cars is 60 kilometers. How many kilometers does car a travel more than car B?
The two vehicles have completed the whole journey: 65% + 75% = 140%
More than the whole process: 140% - 1 = 40%
Whole journey: 60 △ 40% = 150 (km)
A: 150 × (75% - 65%) = 15 (km)
A: car a travels 15 kilometers more than car B

A and B leave from ab at the same time. When a goes to 2 / 7 from B, B is more than 30 km from the middle point. This is 45 km more than B. I, the whole journey
No equation solution, formula calculation, explanation,)

=350 (km)
A: the whole journey is 350 kilometers
Suppose that B only goes to the middle point, then a goes 45 + 30 = 75 km more than B

A and B leave from a and B cities at the same time. After 6 hours, a runs 75% of the way, B exceeds the midpoint by 16 kilometers, and a runs 4 kilometers more than B. Q: how many meters are there between a and B?

Princess Meade 158,
A is more than B: 4 × 6 = 24 (km)
So the distance between the two places is: (24 + 16) / (75% - 1 / 2) = 160 (km) = 160000 (m)