Driving from Shanghai to Nanjing, the original plan was to arrive at 11:30 noon, but after starting, the speed of the car increased by 1 / 7, so it arrived at 11:00. When returning the next day, it started from Nanjing at the same time, drove 120 km at the original speed, then increased the speed by 1 / 6, and arrived in Shanghai at 11:10. What is the distance between Shanghai and Nanjing?

Driving from Shanghai to Nanjing, the original plan was to arrive at 11:30 noon, but after starting, the speed of the car increased by 1 / 7, so it arrived at 11:00. When returning the next day, it started from Nanjing at the same time, drove 120 km at the original speed, then increased the speed by 1 / 6, and arrived in Shanghai at 11:10. What is the distance between Shanghai and Nanjing?

It's 319km Baidu map

The total length of the expressway from Shanghai to Nanjing is 274km. When a bus drives from Shanghai to Nanjing, the first 1.2 hours is 54 km less than the last 1.8 hours. What is the speed of the bus

1.8-1.2 = 0.6 (hours)
54 △ 0.6 = 90 (km)
Or 1.8x-1.2x = 54
Bus speed 90 km