Urgent need Solving practical problems with equations: the total length of the expressway from Shanghai to Nanjing is 274 km. A bus from Shanghai to Nanjing runs 54 km less in the first 1.2 hours than in the second 1.8 hours. What is the speed of the two buses per kilometer?

Urgent need Solving practical problems with equations: the total length of the expressway from Shanghai to Nanjing is 274 km. A bus from Shanghai to Nanjing runs 54 km less in the first 1.2 hours than in the second 1.8 hours. What is the speed of the two buses per kilometer?

Suppose the speed of the bus is x km / h
A: the speed of this bus is 90 km / h

The total length of Luning expressway is 274 kilometers. The truck starts from Nanjing and goes to Shanghai along Luning expressway. How many kilometers is the truck away from Shanghai? Note: the truck runs 90 kilometers per hour and has been running for 2 hours


Who can tell me how to do? The total length of Shanghai Nanjing Expressway is 274.08 kilometers. A car and a bus leave Shanghai and Nanjing respectively. The car travels 118.4 kilometers per hour and the bus 110 kilometers per hour. After several hours, the two cars meet

It's OK. I'll take it

The total length of Luning expressway is about 275 dry meters. A car and a bus leave from Shanghai and Nanjing at the same time. The speed of the car and the bus is 6:5. How many kilometers did the car and the bus travel when they met?

Car distance = 275 △ (6 + 5) × 6 = 150 km
Bus distance = 275-150 = 125 km