When a arrives at B, B is 10 kilometers away from A. when B arrives at a, a exceeds B by 20 kilometers. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

When a arrives at B, B is 10 kilometers away from A. when B arrives at a, a exceeds B by 20 kilometers. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

Let X: (X-10) = 20:10, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 10x = 20x-200, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 10x + 200 = 20x-200 + 200, 10x + 200-10x = 20x-10x, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 200 △ 10 = 10x △ 10, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 20, answer: A and B are 20km apart

If you travel 30 kilometers per hour, you will arrive 15 minutes earlier; if you travel 20 kilometers per hour, you will be 5 minutes late. If you plan to arrive 5 minutes earlier, the speed of the motorcycle should be 5 minutes______ .

① (560 + 1560) / (120-130), = 13 / 160, = 20 (km); ② 20 / 30 + 1560, = 2030 + 1560, = 1112 (H); (3) 20 / 560, = 20 / 56, = 24 (km / h); answer: the speed of motorcycle should be 24 km / h.so the answer is: 24 km / h

After 3.5 hours of meeting, car a will continue to travel for 2.5 hours to B. car B will travel 25 kilometers per hour to find the distance between the two places

A speed 25x3.5 △ 2.5 = 35

The distance between a and B is 180 km. A and B vehicles arrive from a to B at the same time. A vehicle arrives 30 minutes earlier than B vehicle
It is known that the distance between a and B is 180 km. When a and B go from a to B at the same time, car a arrives 30 minutes earlier than car B. if the speed of car a is 25% faster than car B, calculate the speed of car a and B
Let the unknown sequence equation not need to be solved

If the speed of vehicle B is x km / h, the speed of vehicle a is (1 + 25 ﹪) x km / h
From the meaning of the question: 180 / x-180 / (1 + 25 ﹪) = 1 / 2, solve this equation, x = 72
The test shows that x = 72 is the solution of the original equation, so 72 * (1 + 25 ﹪) = 90
A: the speed of car a and B is 90 km / h and 72 km / h respectively