The distance between the two cities is 550 kilometers. A and B leave the two cities at the same time. After five hours, they are 50 kilometers apart. It is known that a car travels 48 kilometers per hour, and B car travels how many kilometers per hour? There must be a formula!

The distance between the two cities is 550 kilometers. A and B leave the two cities at the same time. After five hours, they are 50 kilometers apart. It is known that a car travels 48 kilometers per hour, and B car travels how many kilometers per hour? There must be a formula!

=52 km / h

The distance between the two places is 550km, and the two vehicles run from each other. After 5 hours, the distance between them is 50km. How many kilometers does vehicle a travel per hour and vehicle B travel per hour

After 5 hours, the distance is 50 kilometers, so the two vehicles run 550-50 = 500 kilometers in 5 hours
The speed sum of a and B vehicles is 500 / 5 = 100 km / h
The speed of car B is 100-48 = 52 km / h

Car a and car B drive from two places 550 kilometers apart at the same time. After four hours, the two cars are 50 kilometers apart. Car a travels 5 kilometers more than car B every hour,
How many kilometers per hour does car a and car B travel?

There are two cases
There is no meeting between the two vehicles. The distance between the two vehicles is 50 km
Speed and: (550-50) △ 4 = 125 (km / h)
Speed of a: (125 + 5) △ 2 = 65 (km / h)
Speed of B: 125-65 = 60 (km / h)
After the two cars met, they were 50 kilometers apart
Speed and: (550 + 50) △ 4 = 150 (km / h)
Speed of a; (150 + 5) △ 2 = 77.5 (km / h)
Speed of B: 150-77.5 = 72.5 (km / h ·)