The distance between a and B is 550 km. Five hours after the two passenger trains leave from a and B at the same time, the distance between the two vehicles is still 25 km. It is known that a passenger train runs every hour 55 kilometers, how many kilometers per hour does bus B travel?

The distance between a and B is 550 km. Five hours after the two passenger trains leave from a and B at the same time, the distance between the two vehicles is still 25 km. It is known that a passenger train runs every hour 55 kilometers, how many kilometers per hour does bus B travel?

Five hours after the two buses left from a and B at the same time, they were still 25 kilometers apart
Explain the speed sum of vehicle a and B = (550-25) △ 5 = 105 (km / h)
Speed of B = 105-55 = 50 (km / h)

A and B drive from a to B at the same time. The distance between the two places is 550 km. When a arrives at B, he returns to a by the same way. It is known that B travels 50 km per hour,
A travels 60 kilometers per hour. How many hours will the two cars meet?

Suppose: two cars meet in n hours
Then: 60N + 50N = 550x2
N = 10 hours

Two cars from two stations 320 kilometers away from each other, after 2.5 hours, the two cars met
One car travels 62 kilometers per hour, the other car travels 62 kilometers per hour

320 △ 2.5-62 = 66 km