The two trains leave 693km apart from each other. The passenger trains run 70km / h, and the freight trains run 56km / h How many kilometers do the two cars travel when they meet after a few hours? (no equation)

The two trains leave 693km apart from each other. The passenger trains run 70km / h, and the freight trains run 56km / h How many kilometers do the two cars travel when they meet after a few hours? (no equation)

693 ÷ (70 + 56) = 5.5 hours
Bus 70 x 5.5 = 385 km
Truck 56 x 5.5 = 308 km

A total of 480 tons of goods have to be transported by the transport team, and 96 tons have been transported in the first three days. According to this calculation, how many days will it take to complete this batch of goods

It takes X days
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