There is a pile of sand to be transported on the beach. Four seventh of the sand will be transported on the first day, and the remaining three fifths will be transported on the second day, which is exactly 360 tons. How much is it?

There is a pile of sand to be transported on the beach. Four seventh of the sand will be transported on the first day, and the remaining three fifths will be transported on the second day, which is exactly 360 tons. How much is it?

Alas, people are,
The rest of the first day: 360 △ 3 / 5 = 600 (tons)
Original sand: 600 (1-4 / 7) = 1400 (tons)

The school brought in a pile of sand, two fifths of which were used to build the wall, three eighths of which were used to build the playground, and one tenth of them were left

Total: 2 / 5 + 3 / 8 + 1 / 10 = 16 / 40 + 15 / 40 + 4 / 40 = 35 / 40 = 7 / 8 (ton)

A pile of sand, each truck transports two-thirds of the rack. After four trucks are transported, just three fifths of this pile of sand are lucky. How many tons of this pile of sand are left

Adopt first

How many days will it take to transport a pile of goods by car? How many days will it take to transport 1 / 4 of this pile of goods every day? How many days will it take to transport 2 / 7 of this pile of goods every day?

First question, four days
Second, three and a half days