A production team transported a batch of grain, 1104 kg on the first day, and a quarter more on the second day than on the first day. In two days, it transported 40% of this batch of grain A production team transports a batch of grain, 1104kg on the first day, and a quarter more on the second day than on the first day. It transports 40% of this batch of grain in two days, and the rest is planned to be transported in two days. How many kg do you transport in these two days?

A production team transported a batch of grain, 1104 kg on the first day, and a quarter more on the second day than on the first day. In two days, it transported 40% of this batch of grain A production team transports a batch of grain, 1104kg on the first day, and a quarter more on the second day than on the first day. It transports 40% of this batch of grain in two days, and the rest is planned to be transported in two days. How many kg do you transport in these two days?

1104kg on the first day
The second day is a quarter more than the first day, that is 1104 × (1 + 25%) = 1380 kg
40% of the total is 1104 + 1380 = 2484 kg
The total amount is 2484 △ 40% = 6210 kg
The remaining 60% is 6210 × 60% = 3726 kg
In the next two days, an average of 1863 kg will be transported per day

A transportation company transported a batch of goods, 80% of the total amount in two days, 16.8 tons in the first day, 116 times in the second day. How many tons are there in total?

(16.8 × 116 + 16.8) △ 80%, = 36.4 △ 0.8, = 45.5 tons. A: there are 45.5 tons in total

A car transports raw materials to the factory four times in the morning, a total of 25.6 tons, and five times in the afternoon, with an average of 4.6 tons each time. How many tons does the car transport each time in the whole day

Average (25.6 + 4.6 × 5) / (4 + 5) = 5.4 tons

One car delivered raw materials to the factory four times in the morning, a total of 25 tons, and five times in the afternoon, 7 tons more than in the morning, with an average of 25 tons less each time?

=19 / 3 tons
An average of 19 / 3 tons of materials are transported each time